EBook Review: How to Make Your Vote Count by Arthur F. Woodrow

Authors are a strange beast, many of them think bulk over quality. The likes of Tom Clancey and J. K. Rowlings go on my personal wall of shame. One of these days I am going to do a Google Maps mashup and show how much of the world's rain forests have been destroyed in the production of their overly long and generally boring adventures into the world of literature. A book does not need to be 500 pages, it is merely a vehicle to convey an idea, it can be fact or fiction, it matters not one iota, it is a learning tool.

How To Make Your Vote Count is currently available in eBook form only, but should be required reading in every high school in the nation. At under 60 pages it is hardly a rain forest destroyer, but it is an illuminating look at our current governmental system. I doubt that many would argue that over the past 40 years there has been a steady growth in the size of government and power our elected officials wield. I have even heard it argued successfully that the entire 9/11 devastation was in actual fact a great boon for the government, 9/11 represented the best opportunity in decades to further the needs of the government.

Author Arthur F. Woodrow makes a compelling case. If you take a long hard look at the political spectrum what do you see? Career politicians, this was not what the founders of the constitution had foreseen, being a representative of the people should be a temporary engagement, not a life long career. Yet we have many career politicians today, Arthur points out that something like 90% of incumbents get re-elected, this is a staggering figure.

Equally worrisome is the sheer size of the government and the staggering amount of waste, the author points out that over a $billion of

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Simon Barrett is the senior editor for Blogger News Net and maintains a personal blog at Simon B. Now semi retired in the depths of Mississippi he has plenty of time to read books by up and coming authors.

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