Rent Control

Pass rent control amendment

Dear Editor:

I would like to commend the Hoboken City Council for considering the proposed changes to the city's rent control ordinance. I have lived in owner occupied two-family homes, in Hoboken, as a tenant and as an owner-occupant. My experience indicates that this type of occupancy should be treated as a home and exempt from the current regulations. Council President Reuben Ramos shows strong leadership in supporting this change, which mirrors state legislation. Additionally, Councilman-at-large Peter Cammarano has applied his professional expertise as an attorney in being a key proponent to place a two-year statute of limitations for tenants to collect rebates. I support this amendment since it is the prudent thing to do. I am confident that the City Council will pass these amendments. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Richard Tremitiedi Resident condo owner Former Hoboken Fire Chief