Letter to the Editor

Content Posted by Letter to the Editor

Eminent Domain: Dismayed at City Council's response over eminent domain in Hoboken

Dear Editor:

I am writing this in reference to "Eminent Domain hits Hoboken" article published in your March 5th edition.

Having attended the council meetings where these ordinances have been discussed, I have been extremely dismayed at the City Council's response to this issue. Rather than siding with the residents' wishes, their response has been that they cannot do anything about the issue and that their solution has simply been to attempt to change the image of the project rather than the project itself.

Rent control adjustment needs more adjusting to be fair


On October 19th the City Council passed an amendment to Hoboken's Rent Control law which allows landlords to cheat tenants and which may result in hundreds of tenants losing their homes.

The landlords "cottage industry"

The administration, in its never-ending search for truth, justice, and the American way for its allies, is promoting a change in the rent control laws which will limit the liability of landlords in the event of unlawful rent hikes to two years of excess charges.

Rent control changes go to City Council Vote

Rent control changes go to vote next week  City Councilman Ruben Ramos Jr. introduced an amendment to the Hoboken Rent Control Ordinance at last week's council meeting.  The change would limit a tenant's ability to recoup possibly thousands of dollars in illegally overpaid rent.  A public discussion and final vote is expected at the Wednesday, September 21st City Council meeting.

Hard to know the 'legal' rent

Letters to the Editor
The Jersey Journal

Your paper unfairly implies that a property owner knows (or should know) what a "legal" rent is for a specific apartment. In fact, there have been multiple changes over the years in the manner in which the city applies the rules, to the extent that it is just about impossible to be sure what will pass the challenge of a rent calculation.

Make tenants qualify for it

Make tenants qualify for it

The problem with Hoboken's system is that the people who are getting the benefit, or subsidy if you will, are not the people who need it. The law does not require someone to qualify for a rent-controlled apartment, so you have young, healthy, professionals who are making well into the six-figure salary range taking advantage of the system.

Join me in my choice & vote for Mike Russo for mayor

As elected officials, we are often asked to speak on behalf of candidates. For me, every one of these opportunities is a privilege and an honor. I take great pride in my choice for Hoboken's next Mayor Mike Russo.

I am also proud to call Mike my cousin, godson, friend, council colleague, but that's not why I am voting for him. If family and friends were the criteria for voting, in a town as small as Hoboken, we all would be hard pressed to pull the lever for just one person. There is a long list of Mike's impressive accomplishments both personal and professional. Beginning with achieving Eagle Scout rank in the early years, than his outstanding academic career, leading to a Master's Degree in Physical Therapy and his being elected to the seat of Councilman of the third ward.

How Quickly They Forget

Hoboken Reporter

How quickly they forget

Dear Editor:
Selective memory. That phrase characterizes the actions of a small group of "reformers" who were associated with, or ran with me in the 2001 municipal election. Council members Soares and Marsh and former CFO Michael Lenz have been very vocal on the issue of campaign finance reform, practically implying that the former method was corrupt.  In fact, they are actually treading on new levels of hypocrisy by their actions.

City Budget: Open letter to the Honorable David Roberts

Dear Mayor Roberts:

The purpose of this letter is to summarize the consensus of the Advisory Committee that you convened to discuss with you the fiscal alternatives that the City of Hoboken is currently considering. The Advisory Committee represents a cross section of large and small business owners as well as policy-makers.

City Budget: New bond proposal will provide a win-win situation for our city

Dear Editor:

Soon, I will formally present a rough draft of my 2004 municipal budget to the City Council through a series of workshops. This is the earliest in years that our City Council will have the opportunity to review our spending plan and provide their recommendations.

While I would like to hold off on specifics until I meet with each council member individually, I would like to share some highlights that I strongly believe will be beneficial to our community. As I previously announced, the budget will be significantly lower than last year's and will maintain a stabilized tax rate.