The Obama Administration Tries Making a Change

President Elect, Barack Obama has announced a job stimulus plan that is geared towards creating more jobs while providing individual states with much needed funding for highway maintenance projects. As we all know, bridges and highways throughout the country are in need of repair and this plan seems to have gained favor among some that have spoken out against previous economic stimulus packages that have been executed thus far.

The initial stimulus plan in which the government sent checks directly to consumers was not as successful as leaders had hoped. Many families used the stimulus checks to pay down prior debt or put the money into savings, in the anticipation of rough times ahead. The job stimulus plan will boost the economy on many levels. The states will get money for needed projects, payroll and sales tax from increased spending; those employed in the construction industry will receive a paycheck.

The biggest concerns being discussed about the job stimulus plan is the amount of time needed to actually implement the construction and improvement projects. As nothing seems to move quickly when the government is involved many fear that it will take too long to actually get this money flowing through the economy. Time will be needed to plan projects, place bids and get needed materials in place. A typical state sponsored highway project takes approximately one and one half years to plan; the job stimulus plan must move faster in order to have the desired effect on the economy.

Senate and Congress have been busy ironing out the details of the job stimulus plan and are trying to finalize it so that it can be signed and put into effect immediately after Obama is signed into office. Governor

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