John Parks

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Content Posted by John Parks

The Obama Team

President Barack Obama has assembled one of the most impressive teams to start off his presidency in the history of the United States The experience and knowledge possessed by his bi-partisan choices is phenomenal by most standards

All About Charlotte's Congressman: Larry Kissell

Larry Kissell is a first term Congressman representing North Carolina's eighth district, the district that includes Charlotte So who is this man who is meant to keep Charlotte's interests at heart and represent us well this Congressional season

Economic Stimulus Package Plan

The Taxpayer's Dozen There are 12 areas of the economic stimulus package plan: Tax relief, child tax credit, jobless benefits, health care, energy, education, infrastructure, science and technology, law enforcement, jump start on jobs, business breaks and accountability To Democrats, this plan represents stabilizing the economy where it will see the most progress - helping people help themselves

See the Promise in Our Future

It is difficult to open a magazine or newspaper without seeing an article, if not several articles, on the subject of Barack Obama His emergence as a Presidential candidate and on November 4, 2008 as President-Elect has captured the attention of the country and the world in a fashion never seen before

The Obama Administration Tries Making a Change

President Elect, Barack Obama has announced a job stimulus plan that is geared towards creating more jobs while providing individual states with much needed funding for highway maintenance projects As we all know, bridges and highways throughout the country are in need of repair and this plan seems to have gained favor among some that have spoken out against previous economic stimulus packages that have been executed thus far

The American Voting Public Won

During the last televised Presidential debate, Senator John McCain decried that the problems at voter registration charity ACORN (Association of Community Reform Now) would lead to undermining the fundamentals of democracy Eventual President Elect Barack Obama smiled and laughed at the vehement charges