Beth Mason

Content Posted by Beth Mason

Hoboken's Municipal Garage deal worth $34 million

I'm pleased to say the protracted effort to sell the Hoboken Municipal Garage is finally moving forward, with many benefits ahead for the city and its residents.

As the second ward representative on the council you have entrusted me with your hard earned tax dollars. I take this responsibility very seriously and say clearly that the offer accepted by the council last week is by all measure the best deal for the City of Hoboken. My council colleagues and I accepted a bid that balanced the wants of the neighborhood with the needs of the city.

NJ Business Facts

According to New Jersey Business (July 2006), the state is ranked 44th out of 50 states in increasing its Gross Domestic State Product during 1st quarter 2006.  It seems that only West Virginia and the Great Lakes states (downturn in autos) performed worse.

Job growth over the past two yeats has been in the low paying retail and hospitality categories—with the loss of 125,000 high paying jobs.

NJ Business Facts

NJ Business Facts According to New Jersey Business (July 2006), the state is ranked 44th out of 50 states in increasing its Gross Domestic State Product during 1st quarter 2006.  It seems that only West Virginia and the Great Lakes states...